Enneagram Typing Interviews, Study & Coaching ~ since 2003
Pat O’Hanrahan
Enneagram from the Inside Out
Understanding yourself in relationships
- with family, friends and at work
“Pat has been my student since 1977, starting with Intuitive studies and then the emerging Enneagram. Over time she has hosted hundreds of Narrative Type Panels and distilled their accumulated wisdom for us. She is an ideal choice for her typing and coaching skills, and I recommend her as an outstanding coach and mentor, especially for continuing students.”
~ Helen Palmer, Author, Enneagram pioneer, and Co-founder Emeritus of The Narrative Tradition
The Enneagram is a system of nine personality types combining traditional wisdom with modern psychology - a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and the people in our lives.
A key idea underlying the Enneagram is that people have two important aspects - essence and personality. Each person has a unique "essential self" that can't be reduced to a number or category. However, the Enneagram describes nine patterns or themes by which people form a personality and social persona to meet the challenges of life, love and work. Ideally, personality is an effective way to express ourselves in the world. But problems arise when personality covers up the inner self, or our point of view becomes stuck and rigid.
The Enneagram offers a way to manage personality through the practice of self awareness. It supports us in becoming more effective in our lives, and as a Wholistic system it offers a path of opening our three centers of intelligence through our mind, heart and body .
One of the most practical ways of using the Enneagram is in our relationships at home and at work. By understanding our own patterns, defensive reactions and blind spots, we become more flexible and skillful with the people in our lives. When we understand how others think, feel, and act we have more ability to be tolerant and compassionate. (And we don't have to take it so personally when we bump into other people's edges.)
The Enneagram describes both our higher potentials and our limitations. It makes specific suggestions for each personality type in developing useful approaches to personal growth.
Determining Your Type
The Narrative method, as taught by The Narrative Enneagram, was pioneered by Helen Palmer who, along with David Daniels MD, co-founded the Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP). This approach guides each of us to determine our own type, from the inside out.
The heart of the Narrative Enneagram is the interview method. In group settings, we use interactive panel inquiry, listening to representatives of each Enneagram type share their personal stories, strengths, challenges, and inner worlds. In one-to-one settings, we rely on the individual typing interview to explore and help determine a person's Enneagram type. The Enneagram comes alive through personal conversation with an experienced teacher.
How to Work with Pat
I offer Enneagram typing interviews, individual study and coaching sessions by Zoom or by phone.
Fees range from…
$90 per hour for an Enneagram coaching/study session
~ ~ ~
$125 for an hour and half typing interview.
To schedule or for more information, contact Pat@EnneagramWorldWide.com
or call 510-234-1600.
~ since 2003 ~

Typing Interview
While books, websites and typing tests are all helpful, a typing interview offers personalized attention and guidance that can be essential for discovering your Enneagram type and finding the resources and applications of the system that are most useful for you. I specialize in assisting those who are having difficulty deciding between types.
Coaching Study Session
Individual Enneagram sessions engage ongoing inquiry and continued study to support and advance your personal growth journey, develop your inner knowing and intuition, and help to illuminate understanding in relationships… while exploring your interest in different themes - such as the Instincts and Subtypes, wing influences, defensive strategies, 3 centered awareness, etc.
Enneagram Resources
The Enneagram At Work website contains a wealth of information, including Enneagram articles by Peter O’Hanrahan to help you delve further into specific Enneagram applications, such as: Instinctual Subtypes, Moving on the Lines, Defense Systems, Emotional Habits, Relationship Tips, Love in Three Centers, and The Embodied Enneagram.
~ has been a student of the Enneagram since 1978, first with Kathleen Speeth, and continuing with Helen Palmer, David Daniels and others. She is a Certified Narrative Enneagram Teacher and has organized panel classes in the San Francisco Bay Area for many years. Pat currently serves TNE Membership and is Certification Coordinator for The Narrative Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP).
She is also a certified Restorative Yoga instructor, continues a longstanding Tai Chi & Qi Gong practice, and has studied a wide variety of healing arts, including dance, Vipassana meditation, Bioenergetics, acupressure, Feldenkrais Method, and somatic body and breath awareness.
As a young seeker, Pat became involved with wholistic health and passed through the budding personal development movements with EST and Actualizations while focusing on Reichian-based emotional release bodywork from 1977 to 1989. She was part of a healing community with the Center for Human Growth in Berkeley, CA, and became the studio/office manager and Deejay at the Friday night Dance Jams - also the home of the first public Enneagram presentations, which she organized and hosted. Pat is steeped in the Narrative Enneagram (Oral) tradition since her first panel classes and Fourth Way studies with Kathleen Speeth, and has been dedicated to the mission and study of the Enneagram all her adult life.
Pat lives in the San Francisco Bay Area where she and her husband Peter O’Hanrahan, long-time Enneagram teacher and developer as well as Core Faculty of The Narrative Enneagram, raised their three children.
Pat has worked with me many times in interviews and inquiry into my type with the Enneagram. Her insights and presence have been extremely helpful in my professional and personal life, and have resulted in changing lifelong patterns that have held me back from moving forward in my career. I highly recommend working with Pat if you want to see change in your life.
- Fine Artist at Beth Hird Studio
Pat, your warmth, brilliant sensitivity, and in-depth knowledge of the Enneagram,
along with your ability to translate it into a real-life description of my son's interior world, was extremely helpful to me in working through a sensitive situation. Thank you for continuing to hold the space of the Enneagram lens for us to look through to find the perspective and deeper truths that help us navigate challenging precious relationships.
- With great appreciation, A.U.
Thank you for all the support, understanding, and the insight you gave me. It helped me develop confidence and loosen my Type character structure, and I couldn't believe how comfortable I felt during the certification process - with your appreciation and encouragement, it all came together.
- Linda Messia, EPTP Certified Teacher